10 Top Tips To Remember When Backpacking

Updated: May 31, 2020 | By | More

If you love to travel but are short on the finance, give backpacking a shot. Backpacking is a great way to explore different places on a budget. You get a chance to interact with lots of local people while backpacking rather than staying in a fancy hotel and roaming around with tourists.

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Just remember the following 10 top tips for an enjoyable backpacking experience:

  1. Keep it light. You literary carry your whole world on your back, and keeping the backpack light will ensure less muscle cramps. If you have opted for a bigger backpack, choose the one that not only has the shoulder straps but also an additional waist strap that will distribute the weight evenly.
  2. Don’t slouch when you are carrying your backpack, it can put a strain on your back and cause permanent damage to the sensitive nerves of the spine.
  3. Keep your passport, extra money and any other official documents in zip-lock bags at the bottom of the backpack. Buy a waist bag to keep your daily spending money and other items in. This is more convenient than opening your backpack every time when you have to pay for fare etc.
  4. Bring climate appropriate clothes. If you are travelling to a cold place, bring jeans, long shirts, a jacket, fleece blanket etc. For warmer countries, shorts, t-shirts and sandals would be more comfortable.
  5. No matter where you are going, always have one pair of long sleeve shirt and jeans or pants and a light jacket. The nights are always colder than the days, and long sleeves can decrease mosquito bites in certain areas.
  6. Always carry your own toilet paper with you. And always check all the bathroom cubicles for any hidden intruders. This is especially important if you are a woman.
  7. Always carry a mineral water bottle with you. You might travel to certain areas where the water might be contaminated.
  8. Get yourself vaccinated before embarking on your backpacking experience. You don’t want to fall ill while you are vacationing.
  9. Carry insect repellant, a first aid kit and antibiotic medicines with you. These can provide immediate assistance until you are able to go to a doctor or the hospital.
  10. Finally carry plastic bags for your dirty laundry. You might not always get the time to wash your clothes and you want to keep your dirty clothes away from the clean ones.

If you enjoy backpacking or adventure travel then check out Gap Daemon – the UK’s top backpacking website filled with useful information on Gap Year travel advice, information on Volunteering abroad and more! Share your backpacking and adventure travel tips below :)

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