Summer is Here! Get Ready to Enjoy It

Updated: June 29, 2020 | By | More

Once that cold weather is over and we can finally get outside and enjoy ourselves, many of us tend to get careless or overdo things. Some precautions will let s will let you have fun and stay safe and healthy while you do.

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The sun can do a lot of damage and since it is so easy today to avoid these kinds of problems, why not take the right precautions? If you are going to be spending a lot of time in the sun, be sure to wear sun tan lotion with an adequate SPF factor. Just a few minutes of direct sun can cause a burn which can lead to dry, damaged skin, or worse, skin cancer. The heat of the sun is another danger to be wary of. Even if you are in the best of health, if you exert yourself extensively in the hot sun, you can suffer from sunstroke. Limit strenuous activities in the direct sun, make sure you drink plenty of water and get in the shade every chance you get.

Food and drink

Food poisonings are rare, but it never hurts to take precautions when it comes to the food you eat during the hot weather. With all of the great and convenient types of coolers, from individual thermal bags to keep you lunch in to big boxes for the whole gang, there is no reason to take any chances. Keep meats and salads chilled at all times, and throw away any food that has been sitting out in the heat for more than a half an hour. As for drinks, outside of milk or drinks made from milk, you don’t have to worry about them going bad with the heat. What you do have to worry about are alcoholic drinks. Fun in the sun and alcohol go together in a lot of people’s minds, but it is actually a dangerous combination. Alcohol dehydrates the body, and in the heat your body needs to be well hydrated at all times. Alcohol also raises the blood sugar level, making you more prone to heat strokes on a hot day. Finally, alcohol impairs your judgment, and driving home from the beach or a barbecue after one too many is a recipe for disaster.

Creatures and critters

Bugs and other critters are out in force once the weather warms up, and you need to protect yourself from them. Most of the time, it is just an inconvenience to be in a buggy and end up with a rash of mosquito bites. But often it can be more serious than that.  Use an insect repellent if you plan on being outdoors, especially in or near a wooded area. Remember that standing water is an incubator for mosquitoes, so avoid it. If you are stung, putting some of the insect repellent on the sting will usually stop the itch. Avoid scratching, since you can easily get an infection, especially since you are outdoors and your hands may be dirty.  Fire ants can really do damage to your skin, especially because you won’t even realize they are on you until after they have started biting you. Be careful to watch for the telltale mounds and avoid walking near them. Another living danger in the summer months is the presence of snakes. Depending on where you live, you may have dangerous poisonous snakes in your area.  Copperhead snakes and rattle snakes are poisonous and usually hide in underbrush or low lying water. Do not step into heavy vegetation, or wade into unknown waters when you are out picnicking or fishing.

Enjoy the summer, but keep it safe!

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