Taking your dog on holiday

Updated: January 10, 2020 | By | More

According to the Dogs Trust, ‘dogs love a change of scenery just like anyone else so we are very pleased that dog-owners are increasingly choosing to holiday with their canine chums.’ With this in mind, we have provided an essential guide for owners taking their four-legged with them on holiday, whether in Britain or abroad.

Holidaying abroad with dogs

In the past, pets travelling abroad had to be kept in quarantine for 6 months on their return. However, the Pets Travel Scheme (PETS) means owners are now able to order an EU Pet Passport for their dogs, cats or ferrets. First the pet must be micro chipped, which will help the vets to identify them if lost, as well as vaccinated and tested for contagious diseases such as rabies. Once this is complete, healthy pets are permitted to free travel with their owner around Europe.

Photo by Jon Rawlinson

You should check the pet rules of your destination country before you set off. Some countries allow dogs in restaurants; some require dogs to be muzzled in the street.

Travel companies have begun to cotton on to the trend for holidaymakers to take their pet with them, and there are ‘pets packages’ available, including selected destinations, resorts and activities specifically designed for pets and their owners.

However, there are health risks to take into account if you decide to go abroad. The different temperature overseas can be uncomfortable for a dog, particularly short-snouted breeds such as the pug, which will overheat very quickly in the sun. For even the most happy-go-lucky pet, unfamiliar surroundings and changes in routine can be very stressful. Also take into account the different, often very busy traffic conditions abroad, and keep your dog on a lead at all times around the roads.

When choosing a destination, avoid humid areas with sandfly populations (for example Southern France and the Mediterranean), and use fly repellents, because a bite from these creatures can cause your dog to become seriously ill as much as 7 months later.

A word of safety: only take well-trained dogs on holiday (whether at home or abroad) that you can be sure will return to your call or whistle. Watch out around heights and water, and always keep your dog on the lead in dangerous or unfamiliar areas.

You absolutely must visit a vet before going abroad to explain your holiday plans. Make sure your dog is micro chipped, which will help the vet to identity lost pets and reunite them with their owner. The vet will also top up their flea and worming treatments, and advise you of any vaccinations or medicines (for example prophylactics, anti-tick treatments) necessary to prevent or treat potential diseases in the destination country. This includes rabies (minimise the risks by avoiding strange dogs), heartworm, a parasite that can lead to heart failure in dogs if left untreated, and diseases spread by ticks. Many vets offer special ‘holiday clinics’ tailored to advise you on overseas health.

Invest in good pet insurance in advance of your trip.

Holidaying in Britain with dogs

The most exciting pet-friendly destination is right here on your doorstep: the Great British countryside. Pets are free to travel anywhere in the British Isles, making this a convenient and safe holiday option.

Walking holidays are as exciting for your four-legged friend as they are for you! With miles of open space to run and jump, new sights and smells everywhere and new friends to play with, when you look through your dog’s eyes it’s not hard to see why his tail will be wagging for the whole trip.

The Cotswolds, Pembrokeshire, the Highlands are all pets’ playgrounds, with stunning natural landscapes, plenty of pet-friendly pubs and tearooms and all the fresh air and exercise that they could need. Many Bed and Breakfast owners in these areas anticipate visitors bringing their faithful companions, and will welcome well-behaved dogs with open arms (but do check with them first).

We spend so much time indoors and at work that few of us spend as much time as we would like simply enjoying the company of our pets. A pet-friendly staycation grants you the valuable opportunity to spend extended quality time with your furry friend and will also give you an excuse to get outside and enjoy the fresh air together.

Victoria Jones works alongside World Walks walking holidays in the UK and abroad. A keen animal-lover, she enjoys long walks with her dog in the scenic British countryside.

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